2012年9月23日 星期日

Manic Depression Symptoms and Warning Signs

There are many things that you can look for when trying to identify manic depression symptoms. Manic depression, also known as bipolar disorder, is a disease that affects every aspect of life. The mood swings that are associated with this disorder can create problems that are hard to deal with each and every day.

People with bipolar disorder suffer through cycles of depression and mania. One of the first noticed symptoms of those with bipolar disorder is clinical depression. Depression can cause a person to sleep more than usual, not feel like doing anything, stop talking to friends, stop caring about their appearance and often miss several days of work.

This clinical depression can last anywhere from a few days to a few months. It is often followed by a slow recovery of mood, which later swings into a full manic episode.

Mania is characterized by elevated moods, or elation, restlessness, shopping sprees and unusual sexual behavior. Often those who are experiencing mania act a certain way and later wonder why in the world they would have done or said those things. They often feel as though they are invincible and nothing can hurt them, causing them to act in a reckless manner.

There are many treatments for manic depression, including therapy, drug treatments and a combination of both. Most people with bipolar disorder have to experiment with several treatments before they find one that works well for them. Joining a support group, either locally or online, is also a great way to get help for you and your loved ones.

Click here for a quiz to find out if you or a loved on might have manic depression [http://www.bipolardisordersymptomsandsigns.com]. This website is full of helpful information and advice for those dealing with bipolar disorder [http://www.bipolardisordersymptomsandsigns.com].

Click here for a quiz to find out if you or a loved one might have manic depression. This website is full of helpful information and advice for those dealing with bipolar disorder.

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2012年9月22日 星期六

Signs and Symptoms of Manic Depression

Someone who believes they may be suffering from Bipolar Disorder Syndrome should see a physician to determine if it is in fact, but you may want to have some idea before your visit. While the symptoms vary from individual to individual, there is a common signs checklist of general behavior that may help you to determine if it may be or rule out Bipolar Disorder for you or your loved one.

Bipolar Disorder is also called Manic Depression, and one suffering from this will often go in to a manic phase, which can last months, into a depressed phase. Diagnosing this illness can take some time. There is no blood test that can be performed to check for it, so your physician will look at the symptoms that you have experienced over a period of some time. It is helpful to keep note of any symptoms you experience so that you can be sure to give the physician extended accurate information. This will help in diagnosing Bipolar Disorder. Below is a common list of symptoms reported with Bipolar Disorder / Manic Depression:

Symptoms of Bipolar Mania:

Constant Irritability

Talking Fast

Inflated / High Self Esteem

Extreme Energy on Little Sleep

Being Irrational with Decisions / Impulsive Behavior

Symptoms of Bipolar Depression:

Inability to Concrete

Depressed Behavior

Lack of Energy

Fatigue / Constantly Sleeping

Low Self Confidence

Not interested in their normal activities / Seem Distant from Everyone

Suicidal Feelings

With all the ongoing research and studies being done on Manic Depression, there are always new treatment options available if you have yet to find the one to work for you. It is very important to keep in contact with your physician after this has been diagnosed. It is a life-long battle, but once the right treatment plan has been found, people suffering from this disorder can live a fulfilling and normal life, provided that they continue their medication and follow their physician's treatment plan. There is no cure, so treatment will be forever, but will more than likely get easier to cope with over time. The specific treatment for each patient will vary, and will also depend on the severity of bipolar the patient has. There are different types of bipolar, and your doctor will evaluate your symptoms to ensure a proper diagnosis.

Although all the information may seem overwhelming, most patients to have responses to their treatment. The medications you take may need tweaking, to increase or decrease dosages, to make it work effectively for you. Over time, most bipolar patients will find a good balance between their medications and their therapy, that will get them on the right road to recovery.

This Article is by Stefanie Madyco. Educate Yourself More on the facts of Bipolar Syndrome and Check Out The Bipolar Medication Guide, where you can find out even more information on a bipolar diagnosis and what treatments are available to help you in coping and treating bipolar.

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Bipolar Disorder Manic Depression - A Closer Look and Why You Should Get Help From Professionals

Interestingly enough, in the United States, people tend to view depression as a sign of personal weakness; in which case, I would like to pose a question about how they would view someone that suffers from bipolar disorder manic depression.

I mean, you can see the depression when it's there, and you can also see the mania when it comes about. Ask yourself that question, "is this person, a sufferer, a weak-minded person, or just the victim of circumstance - a victim of a disease?"

Be under no illusions about the reality of the situation, bipolar disorder with or without manic depression, is a disease. It is a serious disease of the mind, and nothing else. And like all diseases, there is a cause and a cure, even though we do not know what that cure really is at this time.

And about the cause, we can only tell at this time that it is related to regular depression, and the genes that the sufferer inherited from his or her parents. This is one fact you need to bear in mind about this mental condition that is plaguing many people today.

Psychiatrists and psychologists acknowledge bipolar disorder as a genuine malady of the mind, albeit caused by various factors, which plague regular humans. In this view, you need to understand that the best way to go about dealing with it is to get one of these professionals to help out. At least after a couple of sessions you may find out about the perfect medication for it. This is better than assuming or believing just what any person says.

For secrets of Alternative Treatment for Bipolar Disorder or Bipolar Disorder Treatment in Children,

Clicking any of the immediate clickable links above reveal INSIDER SECRETS about Bipolar Disorder that only a few know about, especially ideas and tips on relieving Bipolar Disorder, treating Bipolar Disorder and effectively managing the condition. You will also learn the best and most effective medications for Bipolar Disorder that have helped lots of other people suffering from the condition.

Go ahead and click any of the 2 links above to learn insider secrets that lots of people need... but most don't know about or don't know where to find the information they need.

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Manic Depression

Manic depression, also known as Bipolar disorder is characterised by extreme fluctuations in mood ranging from periods of intense "highs" or mania to periods of severe depression or "lows", however, in reality it is much more complex than that as there is no clear pattern and some can even experience mixed state bipolar, with a combination of both mania and depression.

There is also no known single cause of Bipolar and no way of predicting who will develop it although it does appear to be a tendency for it to run in families suggesting that genetics play a part. According to the Royal College of Psychiatrists, Bipolar affects around one in one hundred adults, although it is possible that these figures are on the low side as it is believed that many people with Bipolar will not seek help due to denial, misunderstanding and lack of knowledge surrounding the condition. It affects both men and women equally and usually begins in early adulthood but the way it manifests itself is anything but consistent. Episodes can be triggered by stressful events and physical illness or even nothing at all. So how do you know if you have Bipolar disorder?

Symptoms of a manic episode include:

A manic episode can be diagnosed if at least 3 of the symptoms occur along with an elevated mood for most of the time for at least a week. If the overall mood is one of irritability then another 4 symptoms must be present.

o Increased energy, activity, and restlessness

o Excessively "high," overly good, euphoric mood

o Extreme irritability

o Racing thoughts and talking quickly, jumping from one idea to another

o Distractibility, lack off concentration

o Little sleep needed

o Unrealistic beliefs in one's abilities and powers

o Poor judgment

o Spending sprees

o A lasting period of behaviour that is different from usual

o Increased sexual drive

o Abuse of drugs, particularly cocaine, alcohol, and sleeping medications

o Provocative, intrusive, or aggressive behaviour

o Denial that anything is wrong

Symptoms of a depressive episode include:

A depressive episode can be diagnosed if five or more of these symptoms are present for most of the time for a period of at least 2 weeks.

o feeling sad, anxious, or empty mood

o Feelings of hopelessness or pessimism

o Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, or helplessness

o Loss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed, including sex

o Decreased energy, a feeling of fatigue or of being "slowed down"

o Difficulty concentrating, remembering, making decisions

o Restlessness or irritability

o Sleeping too much, or can't sleep

o Change in appetite and/or unintended weight loss or gain

o Chronic pain or other persistent bodily symptoms that are not caused by physical illness or injury

o Thoughts of death or suicide, or suicide attempts

The gaps in between a high and a low episode can vary significantly with each individual. Some people will experience rapid shifts between moods and others will change more slowly over a period of time. Conventional treatment usually consists of some form of mood stabilising medication to reduce the severity and duration of the episodes, for example, Lithium is the most commonly used. Achieving the correct dosage is crucial as high levels of Lithium can be toxic so this will be carefully evaluated and monitored by a GP or health professional. However, it doesn't always prove to be effective and isn't suitable for everyone. The side effects can be difficult to cope with for some people and include, thirst, nausea, weight gain, anxiety, shakes, dry mouth, disturbed sleep, hair loss, and sexual dysfunction.

Types of Bipolar

Bipolar has been classified into types Bipolar 1, Bipolar 2, Rapid Cycling and Cyclothymia.

Bipolar 1

The classic symptoms of Bipolar 1 involve recurrent manic and depressive episodes with either stable periods in between or going directly from a depressive episode into a manic phase or vice versa. Periods of depression vary from individual to individual and can last for only a short time or for months.

Bipolar 11

This type of Bipolar presents with only mild or perhaps even no manic periods at all but more depressive episodes than periods of mania. This type is more common in women.

Rapid Cycling

Bipolar is classified as rapid cycling type if the person experience more than 4 manic or depressive episodes or fluctuations between both within the space of a year.


A less severe form of mood swings but they often persist for longer than those with other types of Bipolar.


Bipolar disorder can be distressing for both the sufferer and the family and friends closest to them. Neither they nor the person with Bipolar can know when an episode of depression or mania is likely to occur or how long it will last. Relationships, occupation and finances can all suffer leading to more stress and worry and a worsening of the symptoms. Apart from seeking professional help and finding out as much as you can about the condition, it is advisable for both the sufferer and their loved ones to learn how to recognise the warning signs and triggers that can precipitate a manic or depressive episode so appropriate action can be taken to minimise any negative effects.

Depression is a serious condition that can strike anyone at anytime. For more information about the symptoms of depression and self help come and visit fighting depression

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2012年9月21日 星期五

Manic Depression - Is it Hereditary?

Many women who have been diagnosed with Manic Depression sometimes long to have children, but often wonder what the chances are that they will pass it onto their children. They know all to well the effects of this disorder and hope to not pass it on to another generation. Studies have shown that manic depression is often found in the genes, and is passed down the bloodline. That statement does not necessarily mean you will pass it on, it means there is a chance.

If manic depression (also known as Bipolar Disorder) is found fairly often in your family history, your chances increase. People who have no history found in their genealogy have virtually no risk, less than 1%. If you have bipolar disorder, the approximate chances of you passing it to your child is 5-15%.

Approximately twenty five percent of adult bipolar patients report having their first manic episode before they were 20 years of age. There have been studies that have reported children as young as 5 years old showing signs of minor manic episodes. There is a lot of research being performed on manic depression. There are institutions reporting that they will soon be able to do a screening to determine if you do in fact carry the gene that may pass it on to your children.

If you believe your child may have bipolar disorder, a calm and nurturing environment can decrease the chances of your child having major manic episodes. This is a disorder that sometimes needs a trigger to in order to become progressive. A violent or stressful environment can cause trigger manic depression, and cause episodes to increase and become more severe. Be sure to stay in continuous contact with you physician to stay on top of the newest Bipolar Medications and treatment options available.

This Article is by Stefanie Madyco. She is also the author of the Bipolar Medication Guide, where you can see what treatment options may be available for those suffering with this disorder.

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Bipolar Disorder and Manic Depression

If you already are not aware of this condition, bipolar disorder is "a diagnostic category describing a class of mood disorders where the person experiences states or episodes of depression and/or mania, hypomania, and/or mixed states."(Look at Sources Below)

Bipolar disorder is also known as a manic-depressive illness, which can suddenly shift a person's mood, energy, and their ability to function. As in every person, someone with bipolar disorder has their up's and down's to a much higher level. This is a very serious condition, which can lead to depression.

A sign of this disorder can range anywhere from an usual damaged relationship with a person who is close to you, poor school/job performance, or even thoughts of, or actual suicide. Major mood swings from extreme happiness to extreme irritability (or vice versa) are the most common symptoms of this manic depression. A sign of depression can also be little sleep or even unrealistic beliefs in one's ability. Other commons signs are spending sprees, denial, poor judgment, and increased sexual drive. People with manic depressions can also abuse medications, drugs, and alcohol. The signs of the depression are the about the same as those listed in the previous posts.

So who can get bipolar disorder or manic depression? Just about ANYONE, including kids, teenagers, and adolescents. If any of the signs and symptoms occur for longer than a week's period, consulting a doctor is recommended.

Although bipolar illness is a long term illness, there is hope for controlling the episodes (high and low points). Long-term preventive treatment (medication and psychosocial) is strongly suggested. Also a chart of sleeping patterns, treatment, and daily mood symptoms prove helpful.

Another form of treatment that can be considered is anitdepressant medication.


Sources- Wikipedia.com, National Institute of Mental Health

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Manic Depression - Signs of This Disorder

Manic depression is a disorder that is characterized by mood swings ranging from elation to depression so severe that the patient can only think of suicide. It is also known as bipolar disorder and it can be so disabling that the patient cannot function normally in social or professional settings. It can be treated once properly diagnosed by a medical doctor and with care and patience, patients can move on to live a productive life. Manic depression cycles between two states: mania and depression.

What are the symptoms of the mania state?

A manic episode is where the patient experiences happiness and enjoyment that can last for a week or longer. This mood lasts all day, every day during this episode and it can be characterized by three more symptoms. Increased activity and energy, euphoric moods, and increased sex drive are just some of the more positive attributes of this state. Irritability, racing thoughts out of control, the inability to concentrate, talking too dast, drug or alcohol abuse, and poor judgement are the negative side of the state. When three or more of these symptoms are present, the patient can be considered in a manic state. Hypomania is a mild to moderate episode, leaving the patient feeling good and being able to be productive. It is a dangerous and misleading state and if left untreated can send the patient suffering manic depression into a deeper depression than before.

What are the symptoms of depressive state?

On the opposite side of the coin is the depressive state of manic depression. Like the manic state, it can last from a day to more than two weeks. Five symptoms are usually present when a patient is in this state including anxiousness, feeling as if their life is empty, hopelessness, worthlessness, loss of interest in things they used to enjoy, fatigue, and more. Chronic pain with no apparent cause is another common symptom for people suffering manic depression and when it is left untreated, the patient could slip into suicidal tendencies. When this happens, immediate medical attention should be sought out.

How is manic depression diagnosed and treated?

Through a series of psychological and medical testing, a doctor can help a person determine if they are suffering from manic depression. These tests include a physical and lengthy discussion about the symptoms the patient has been experiencing. The patient may be referred to a psychological expert for more treatment and testing to help find the root of the problem and the proper treatment plan.

Manic depressives can find relief and live a productive life by working with their doctor on a treatment plan designed specifically for them. They will have to work at it for the rest of their lives as short-term treatments will not cure the disorder. Medication such as antidepressants, mood stabilizers, and antipsychotics may be prescribed. Psychotherapy will help patients learn how to change their behaviour, show them that they are not alone, and can even guide friends and family members in helping the patient and themselves understand what they are suffering. If the depression is severe enough and there is danger to the patient, the patient's doctor may recommend a brief hospitalization.

For more information on bipolar depression [http://www.depression-help-tips.com/bipolar_disorder.php] visit http://www.depression-help-tips.com. There's also the latest information on treating depression.

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True Cause of Bipolar Disorder (Manic Depression) - Mental Illness Research


This information is offered for educational purposes only and is not intended to serve as medical advice. The information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. It is not a substitute for professional care. If your child, teen, or you have any health concerns, please consult your health care provider.

Bipolar patients live on a subconsciously self-controlled mental and emotional "roller coaster."

They rise high and take flight on fantastic hopes and plans that are nearly impossible to achieve. They generate excessive amounts of nervous psychic energy and soar with confidence and optimism. This is a manic state.

In a manic state, they see themselves as powerful or indestructible. They usually display high self-esteem. Bipolar patients become extremely talkative and flooded with ideas, require little rest or sleep, and are unfocused and easily distracted and sidetracked.

"Highs" can result in serious problems such as unreasonable spending, impulsive and thoughtless decisions, participating in unsafe sexual behavior and, often, over indulging in street drugs, alcohol, or sleep and other medications.

In a relatively short while, a bipolar will inevitably crash. After his or her unrealistic hopes, dreams, and objectives fail to materialize, the person sink into depression and despair.

We can all recall having a similar "up and down" experience. However, the bipolar patient has these severe mood swings to an extreme and on a regular basis.

Psychiatrists and physicians treat bipolar patients with combinations of costly psychiatric drugs that they recommend be taken for the person's entire lives. Treatment is supplemented with some type of talking therapy. Symptoms are controlled but not healed.

Bipolar treatments do not heal because essentially the cause of the disorder is wrongly assumed to be "biological" when, in fact, the cause is "psychological."

Bipolar patients live in a state of extreme "selfish reaction" and "selfish control." That happens to be true for all those suffering a serious mental and emotional disorder.

How symptoms vary, relate to personal subconscious factors such as the person's basic selfish disposition (angry or fearful), the specifics of the person's child-to-parent negative agreements, and the degree of personal selfishness and selfish reaction.

Bipolar sufferers are deeply troubled and in extreme reaction to their abusive and unloving childhood experiences.

They use hyperactivity as a way of avoiding and running from, also concealing, their ongoing negative inner psychological states.

As with typical incest survivors, they are experts at maneuvering and controlling others to get what they selfishly want. They have learned from their selfish parents. It was way a way of surviving their parents' extremely controlling, abusive, and sexually abusive choices.

Their range of emotions goes from getting extremely unstable or violent to seeming normal.

As bipolar individuals continue in selfish control, illusion, and reaction, they tend to get worse. Ups and downs occur with increased frequency, length of time, and seriousness.

About 20% are estimated to commit suicide. The destructive and self-destructive symptoms of bipolar disorder make "biological causes" improbable. It should be obvious that the causes are psychological and selfish.

As long as we keep refusing to deal properly with personal negative choices and realities and keep saying that the causes outside of our control, and ourselves we will suffer and never heal.

For truly new perspectives and insights about the psychological dimensions of our humanity, our most influential relationships, and the roots of our earliest reactions which are the roots of our disorders and dysfunctional behavior patterns, visit http://www.upfrontpress.com/

Get cutting-edge research findings and the truth about the psychological sophistication of our unborn babies in a revealing reality-based fiction book "Talking to God about Pregnancy & Babies." Visit http://www.godtalkbooks.com/

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2012年9月20日 星期四

Does Your Artwork Give You Away? Creative Genius, Manically Depressing, and Tormented Minds

The other day, I talked with a creative genius, someone who was academically inclined with a Bachelor's Degree in acoustics, and also an incredible artist. To top off all that he had honed his skills in the digital rendering world of 3-D as well. When he showed me a brief collection of his work, merely 1/100th of it, I was blown away, truly magnificent stuff. We then talked about his art, and art in general - then we went online to see similar take-offs along similar themes.

His stuff was totally unique, and yet, there were others who looked as if they'd borrowed components from him, or were of the same mind in some aspects of his artistic style. Now then, much of his work starts out as pen ink drawing on white paper, then he scans it in and in some cases colorizes it. He noted that ones he did a little shading and colorizing, the interest in his work went up exponentially. Then he showed me examples, and I could see exactly why.

He also noted that the value of the art work also went up with coloring and proper shading, or down if done incorrectly, meaning no interest whatsoever, again, that was obvious. Next, we looked at similar genres and how the artists had chosen to color or shade. Some of it was dark, gothic-esque, troubling, and dreary - it was obvious that the artist himself, or in some cases herself had a tormented mind. Some of the artwork looked as if you could unfold it, re-twist it and bring it into focus, but the artists had chosen the opposite - moving towards dystopia, chaos, disruption, decomposition, and destruction.

One artists, a famous one from Yugoslavia or Croatia was that of a tormented mind, after years of conflict, death, and war. I noted the artist was troubled and of a tormented mind. That his artwork told a story or misery, sorrow, and disappointment in the human race - perhaps an attempt at closure, but the verdict was in - things could never be made whole again - thus, his art left the pain for all to see. It spoke to the viewer, told of the unhealed mind and depression.

The work was brilliant, original, and worthy of thought, even if the mental picture or mental map was one of unspeakable anguish and despair - grabbing your emotions, contorting, and twisting it into submission, forcing you to look, to think, and to try to make reason of it all - full well knowing you could not. Okay so, my question to you today is this; does your artwork give you away? Can someone viewing it know if you are a Creative Genius, if you are Manically Depressing, or if you are one of a Tormented Mind?

Does your artwork leave your emotions out in the open, begging for help, thought, or speaking directly to the mind of the viewer to join in misery, company, or a cause? When your art speaks, when it is honest and open, that's when you'll know, and when everyone will see the creative genius within, regardless of the baggage of mental torment or peaceful grace it exposes. Make all your artwork count. Please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Creativity. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank; http://www.worldthinktank.net

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Bipolar Disorder and Manic Depression Explained

What is Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression is a mental illness in which an individual alternates between states of deep depression and extreme euphoria. However, Bipolar or manic-depressive illness is much more complex than just alternating between depression and elation. Bipolar disorder affects thoughts, feelings, perceptions, behavior and even affects how a person feels physically (known clinically as Psychosomatic Presentations). Bipolar disorder has been subcategorized as Bipolar I, Bipolar II, Bipolar NOS, and Cylcothymia, depending on the type and severity of the mood episodes experienced.

The American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (commonly known as the DSM-IV because it is in its fourth major edition) indicates that Bipolar Disorder is defined by the occurrence of one or more episodes of abnormally elevated mood (clinically known as mania) or mixed episodes often accompanied by depressive episodes. These episodes are commonly separated by periods of "normal" mood, but in some cases, depression and mania may rapidly alternate (rapid cycling). Extreme manic episodes may lead to psychotic symptoms such as delusions and hallucinations.

Bipolar Symptoms


Mania often begins with a sense of heightened energy, creativity, and social ease; these feelings can quickly progress to an extreme and continuous elevated mood involving an exaggerated sense of self-esteem and/or irritable mood. When in this state, individuals become more physically active, talkative, easily distracted, and show a reduced need for sleep. In most cases, people aren't aware that anything is wrong and may also enjoy the feeling mania brings. Judgment becomes impaired resulting in greater risk-taking behavior including overspending and sexual activity. In sever cases, the person may also hallucinate or become delusional; this is known as a psychotic episode.


Depressive symptoms are intense, pervasive, persistent. Feelings may include:

* despair

* hopelessness

* frustration

* anger

* irritability

* worthlessness

* guilt

* loss of energy

* limited interest in normal activities

* changes in weight

* difficulties with sleep

* slowed thinking

* difficulty in making simple decisions

* and in serious cases, thought of suicide

Bipolar Treatment

There is not one simple answer to treating Bipolar disorder. Effective treatment for bipolar disorder is a combination of many things.

* Education: Understanding bipolar disorder is essential. Individuals must educate themselves of its general signs and symptoms so they can better identify and understand their moods. Learning about treatment and triggers is a critical part of illness self-management. With this knowledge, people with Bipolar disorder and their families are better equipped to prevent future relapses.

* Medication: Bipolar disorder is a recurrent illness, and therefore, people require medication as a form of long term treatment. Most people need a number of medications to manage their symptoms and maintain wellness. Finding the right "cocktail" of medications can take several months, or even several years, before finding a successful combination. It is crucial that this process is closely monitored and discussed with a psychiatrist. There may be a strong urge to discontinue use of medication when feeling better; the majority of the time this behaviour leads to a relapse. The main categories of medication used include the following: mood stabilizers, anti-psychotics, anti-depressants, and anti-anxiety medication.

* Psychotherapy & Support Groups Psychotherapy and support groups are highly recommended, especially during the first year or two following diagnosis; this, in combination with medication greatly increases your chances of finding a stable healthy life style. Both professional and peer support provide insight in the form of personal stories, effective treatments, and coping strategies. Knowing you are not alone is effective treatment in itself.

Bipolar and Stigma Many people delay seeking help and treatment for bipolar disorder because they fear being labeled as crazy, dangerous, or even contagious; they fear what friends, family, and employers might think. There is still a social stigma attached to having a mental illness, but social attitudes are gradually changing. One of the most challenging aspects of stigma, following diagnosis, is self-stigma. This internal stigma results in believing devaluing attitudes and blaming oneself for the illness. Some strategies to counteract stigma include better understanding what stigma is and how it affects people, as well as sharing experiences and coping strategies within peer support groups.

For a great online Bipolar support group feel free to sign up at BiPolar Blues [http://www.bipolarblues.com], the worlds first bipolar social networking website (A facebook for only people with bipolar disorder)


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Bipolar Disorder Manic Depression - Important Facts to Be Aware Of

When you are being treated for bipolar disorder, the physicians in charge have to help you distinguish the beginning signs of a manic episode so that you can take care of it in a hurry. Likewise, you have to be able to tell that a depression is coming on so that you can do the right thing. If you don't, you never know, this may be the episode in which you kill yourself.

If you are ever going to survive this disorder you suffer from, you have to be able to identify its symptoms without outside or professional help. This is critical to your treatment or ever getting better. The time will come when no one can be with you, and at that time, your knowledge of the symptoms may be what will save you.

Men usually experience mania first when they suffer from this disorder. Women on the other hand tend to sink into depression at the onset of the disease. You will do well to know which is which by identifying the symptoms of the disease early on. Once you have that in place, you may know well enough to get them the medical attention that they need.

When your bipolar disorder is just starting, the cyclic episodes of mania and depression may last for mere weeks. This is the best time to identify them and start to look for things you can do to address them. If you miss the symptoms at this time, you may grow well into adulthood, and close to destroying yourself before you discover it again.

For the BEST Article on Bipolar Disorder and secrets to Atypical Bipolar Disorder, click these links now!

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Manic Depression

Manic depression, also known as Bipolar disorder is characterised by extreme fluctuations in mood ranging from periods of intense "highs" or mania to periods of severe depression or "lows", however, in reality it is much more complex than that as there is no clear pattern and some can even experience mixed state bipolar, with a combination of both mania and depression.

There is also no known single cause of Bipolar and no way of predicting who will develop it although it does appear to be a tendency for it to run in families suggesting that genetics play a part. According to the Royal College of Psychiatrists, Bipolar affects around one in one hundred adults, although it is possible that these figures are on the low side as it is believed that many people with Bipolar will not seek help due to denial, misunderstanding and lack of knowledge surrounding the condition. It affects both men and women equally and usually begins in early adulthood but the way it manifests itself is anything but consistent. Episodes can be triggered by stressful events and physical illness or even nothing at all. So how do you know if you have Bipolar disorder?

Symptoms of a manic episode include:

A manic episode can be diagnosed if at least 3 of the symptoms occur along with an elevated mood for most of the time for at least a week. If the overall mood is one of irritability then another 4 symptoms must be present.

o Increased energy, activity, and restlessness

o Excessively "high," overly good, euphoric mood

o Extreme irritability

o Racing thoughts and talking quickly, jumping from one idea to another

o Distractibility, lack off concentration

o Little sleep needed

o Unrealistic beliefs in one's abilities and powers

o Poor judgment

o Spending sprees

o A lasting period of behaviour that is different from usual

o Increased sexual drive

o Abuse of drugs, particularly cocaine, alcohol, and sleeping medications

o Provocative, intrusive, or aggressive behaviour

o Denial that anything is wrong

Symptoms of a depressive episode include:

A depressive episode can be diagnosed if five or more of these symptoms are present for most of the time for a period of at least 2 weeks.

o feeling sad, anxious, or empty mood

o Feelings of hopelessness or pessimism

o Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, or helplessness

o Loss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed, including sex

o Decreased energy, a feeling of fatigue or of being "slowed down"

o Difficulty concentrating, remembering, making decisions

o Restlessness or irritability

o Sleeping too much, or can't sleep

o Change in appetite and/or unintended weight loss or gain

o Chronic pain or other persistent bodily symptoms that are not caused by physical illness or injury

o Thoughts of death or suicide, or suicide attempts

The gaps in between a high and a low episode can vary significantly with each individual. Some people will experience rapid shifts between moods and others will change more slowly over a period of time. Conventional treatment usually consists of some form of mood stabilising medication to reduce the severity and duration of the episodes, for example, Lithium is the most commonly used. Achieving the correct dosage is crucial as high levels of Lithium can be toxic so this will be carefully evaluated and monitored by a GP or health professional. However, it doesn't always prove to be effective and isn't suitable for everyone. The side effects can be difficult to cope with for some people and include, thirst, nausea, weight gain, anxiety, shakes, dry mouth, disturbed sleep, hair loss, and sexual dysfunction.

Types of Bipolar

Bipolar has been classified into types Bipolar 1, Bipolar 2, Rapid Cycling and Cyclothymia.

Bipolar 1

The classic symptoms of Bipolar 1 involve recurrent manic and depressive episodes with either stable periods in between or going directly from a depressive episode into a manic phase or vice versa. Periods of depression vary from individual to individual and can last for only a short time or for months.

Bipolar 11

This type of Bipolar presents with only mild or perhaps even no manic periods at all but more depressive episodes than periods of mania. This type is more common in women.

Rapid Cycling

Bipolar is classified as rapid cycling type if the person experience more than 4 manic or depressive episodes or fluctuations between both within the space of a year.


A less severe form of mood swings but they often persist for longer than those with other types of Bipolar.


Bipolar disorder can be distressing for both the sufferer and the family and friends closest to them. Neither they nor the person with Bipolar can know when an episode of depression or mania is likely to occur or how long it will last. Relationships, occupation and finances can all suffer leading to more stress and worry and a worsening of the symptoms. Apart from seeking professional help and finding out as much as you can about the condition, it is advisable for both the sufferer and their loved ones to learn how to recognise the warning signs and triggers that can precipitate a manic or depressive episode so appropriate action can be taken to minimise any negative effects.

Depression is a serious condition that can strike anyone at anytime. For more information about the symptoms of depression and self help come and visit fighting depression

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2012年9月19日 星期三

Manic-Depression and How To Beat It

I started to have problems when in my teens, feeling upset about growing up without a father. I self-harmed, then attempted suicide when 16. After getting in trouble with the police at 16, I was isolated and felt my life to be futile. Although I was seeing a psychiatrist, he stopped the treatment, and feeling betrayed as well as cut off from my old friends and family, aged 18, I stood in front of a fast train.

However, when I saw the driver's screaming face as the train neared me, I changed my mind and moved to the side, as I did not want to cause him trauma. The train, however, struck me and hurled me through the air and I landed on the platform. My pelvis was badly fractured and I had received substantial injuries but after extensive emergency surgery, I survived.

A slow and painful recovery lay ahead, with hope but also setbacks, until I finally left hospital after extensive reconstructive surgery. When I left, I soon decided a change of place might do me good and went to Devon to live and work in a cultural centre. Whilst there, I had problems with the people there, who it turned out were something of a cult, and they called the police to have me removed. I was placed in a psychiatric hospital but my brothers rescued me and brought me back to London.

However, I was homeless and suffering the stress of isolation, despite my brother having allowed me to stay with him. One night, I was admitted to hospital and whilst there, a doctor told me I was manic-depressive. I thought this to be false and hated the idea. When I was prescribed Lithium, mood stabilisers and anti-depressants, I refused them and was sectioned under The Mental Health Act.

Finally, I was discharged from the unit and vowed to stop taking the medication, which was destroying my future as a writer by preventing me from reading and writing, due to making my eyes water continuously. This I did, with the support of all my friends and family. Even though it was a rollercoaster--I went up and down whilst trying to come off the stuff--I did it and eventually even told my psychiatrist. As I told him I would fight him every inch of the way if he sectioned me or tried to force me to take the drugs, he let things stand.

I moved from a halfway house to a privately rented room in a house and started going to a weekly meditation group that helped a lot. I read self-help books and developed self-esteem, published poems and began to write my memoir. I trained as a therapist finally, in order to give back and help others; I am now a master of hypnotherapy, Time Line TherapyR and NLP.

In the year 2000, I was advised by several people to try Eat Right For Your Blood Type to help alleviate a stomach problem I had been having. I found out I was blood type O and a non-secretor, and that Type O non-secretors have a high risk factor for developing manic depression. Although, highly sceptical at first, my symptoms were so severe, I was willing to give anything a try.

I began a diet and lifestyle plan for my specific blood type and am on it to this day. I was brought up as a vegetarian but the advice for type O is to eat a high protein diet and I do, with spectacularly good results. Having spent the last seven years researching more about the link between our genetics, our blood type and health conditions, I am 100% convinced of it's scientific validity and importance.

I eat a diet that minimises my risk of having dopamine dips or spikes and thus my moods are very stable and even my friends who have been sceptical have now started following the plan, with the same excellent results. I have also noted the correlation between the health conditions many thousands of people I meet have and their blood types and find that the accuracy of the complete blood type literature by Doctor Peter J. D'Adamo (Eat Right For Your Type, Live Right For Your Type, Cook Right For Your Type and The Complete Blood Type Encyclopaedia) is proven to my satisfaction every single time.

My conclusion is that manic-depression was falsely applied to me and that labelling someone is never a useful exercise; neither is medicating without fully exploring other options. Had I been offered the blood type literature from the start of my problems, I am certain all of them would have been helped dramatically, if not averted entirely. Diet plays a key role in mental illness yet how often do psychiatrists or medical doctors even ask or advise about someone's diet?

The idea of people being different and thus needing different diets may be easy to dismiss by those who have not the scientific-minded curiosity to read the literature by Dr D'Adamo, and nevertheless, we are different and some swear by vegetarianism whereas others swear by meat being healthy, yet both are right, depending on your blood type.

I hope this article sparks debate and interest on the difficulties those diagnosed with manic depression face and provide hope to those open enough to try the diet.

I am Sol Waters and am a writer. I write a daily blog at http://countdowntopublication.blogspot.com
I am also both a master practitioner of hypnotherapy and NLP.

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Bipolar Disorder and Manic Depression - Noticing the Signs Can Do You a Whole World of Good

Changes in energy level might be the best way to characterize bipolar disorder in a sufferer. Also called manic-depressive illness, the condition takes you to two extremes of the same bleak rainbow. On the one side, all the excitement that you are feeling when manic causes you to be bustling and beside yourself; and on the other side of the same coin, your sadness can leave you powerless beyond understanding. This is not too difficult to observe, but it might take some patience to witness it all. You need to take note of this by all means.

Depression changes one's energy level, and so does excitement, whether or not the impulses are pointless. Sometimes bipolar disorder might be difficult to tell in a person because when they are depressed they could feel restless and agitated the same as when they suffer from mania.

So, all the fidgety movements and pacing could point in either direction, and unless you have more information you might not be able to conclude that it is bipolar disorder that they suffer from.

Most folks feel sluggish and inactive when they are depressed, and they characterize their obsession or mania with extensive activity, which does not seem to head in any direction. That's when they suffer from manic-depressive infirmity. If you are a very observant person, you might be able to observe these changes in their persons before too long so that you can get them help; the sufferer is not likely to be able to notice it themselves.

For secrets of Teenage Bipolar Disorder Symptoms Risks or Bipolar Disorder Children Symptoms Effects,

Clicking any of the immediate clickable links above reveal INSIDER SECRETS about Bipolar Disorder that only a few know about, especially ideas and tips on relieving Bipolar Disorder, treating Bipolar Disorder and effectively managing the condition. You will also learn the best and most effective medications for Bipolar Disorder that have helped lots of other people suffering from the condition.

Go ahead and click any of the 2 links above to learn insider secrets that lots of people need... but most don't know about or don't know where to find the information they need.

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How Do You Know If You Have Manic-Depression

Nancy was doing very well until about two years ago when Phil, her boyfriend of 9 years, broke-up with her. It was a difficult moment for her especially after she learned that Phil eventually married her cousin. Since then, Nancy had deteriorated. One evening, she was involved in a motor vehicular accident because she was driving fast and recklessly in a quiet suburban neighborhood.

During interrogation, the cops noted that Nancy was talking rapidly and nobody could interrupt her. Also, she was making jokes and laughing so loud. She further indicated to them that she was on her way to meet the President and his top officials about her invention that could cure the oil crunch. She eventually ended up in the emergency room where she was diagnosed and treated for bipolar disorder after intensive evaluation.

Bipolar disorder or manic-depression is manifested by highs and lows. When a patient like Nancy is on the manic side, there is a persistent feeling of euphoria or irritability associated with lack of need for sleep, excessive energy, agitation, fast and loud speech, increase in goal-directed activities such as spending sprees and establishing businesses with no appropriate plan, and hypersexuality.

Patients with this disorder develop poor judgment and impulsivity. They become irritable and can lash out easily even if not provoked. Some patients have delusions of grandeur. When this happens, patients think that they have special powers, talents, and influence.

When not manic, patients either feel normal or depressed. Depression in bipolar disorder has the same manifestation as major depression that consists of feelings of sadness associated with neurovegetative signs and symptoms such as inability to sleep, eat, and concentrate. Energy level is also impaired. In addition, patients experience a feeling of hopelessness, worthlessness, and helplessness. Suicidal ideation may ensue.

For individuals who develop mania, does it always mean that they suffer from bipolar disorder?

Not necessarily. Mania can be caused by various medical and neurologic conditions. For instance, multiple sclerosis and stroke can present with manic symptoms. Moreover, medications and street drugs may precipitate mania. Steroids, cocaine, and amphetamine are some examples. Even some antidepressants can induce mania.

So when a person shows mania, the physician usually does intensive evaluation to rule out medical, neurologic, and medication-induced conditions before diagnosing bipolar disorder. This process is important because the treatment varies depending upon the cause. Once other conditions are ruled out, then bipolar disorder can be safely diagnosed and treated.

Copyright c 2007. Dr. Michael G. Rayel - author (A 31-Day Series and First Aid to Mental Illness) psychiatrist, and inventor of emotional and social skills games -- The Oikos Game Series. Recently, he has published his blog Shrink your troubles away! http://www.shrinkyourtroubles.com/blog/ as an online resource for mental health and personal development. For more information, visit http://www.oikosglobal.com

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2012年9月18日 星期二

Manic Depression Bipolar Disorder - Interesting and Helpful Facts About the Manic Signs

I looked up mania in the dictionary and I didn't like what I saw. You can look it up too when you have the chance - it's right after madness and just before stupidity. Specifically, one dictionary I looked at referred to it as "A mood disorder; an affective disorder in which the victim tends to respond excessively and sometimes violently".

It is easy to read about bipolar disorder and learn how it is called the manic-depressive illness that levers you between phases of mania and depression at all kinds of indeterminate intervals. Sometimes you get the chance to function normally in between; sometimes you don't. However, I don't know if you have ever actually met someone in that condition before - someone who was actually being manic or depressive at a time when you were speaking with them. It is not a pleasant experience, I tell you. I'd like us to look at the mania for a moment.

Mania is obsession, and excessive and intense interest in someone or something, some kind of enthusiasm. But that is putting it mildly. Mania in the psychotic form is actually a psychiatric disorder characterized by excessive physical activity, rapidly changing ideas, and impulsive behavior. I'll help you understand: when you are manic, you are excited and enthusiastic, but you are never able to touch down on any one interest for any reasonable length of time.

Also, mania is an abnormal mental state that is characterized by an elevated irritable mood that is touched by self-importance, racing thoughts and hyperactivity. Did I mention a feeling of intoxication with you and with life? Or, are you manipulating people, spending money indiscriminately and pursuing sexual adventure to almost no end? And that is only the tip of the iceberg.

Click these links --> Depression Types Disorder and --> Manic Depressive Disorder

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Manic Depression Bipolar Disorder - How to Know When You Are Manic Enough to Seek Help

When you are manic, you are impatient and hostile towards others because they just can't seem to 'see' what you are talking about, and they never can. As a result, you could end up frustrated with them and start to hurt even those that you care about, physically hurting your children or spouse.

Also, when you are manic you have an inflated ego and sense of self-esteem that often comes with delusions of grandeur, and a self-confidence that causes you to believe you have more wit, courage, imagination, and artistry than everyone else.

When you are manic, you aren't yourself, and you aren't a good person to be around. You are energized with racing thoughts that are never on the same topic for long enough, so that you sleep that much less. Alcohol and drug abuse is common, with other kinds of self-destructive behavior like obnoxious and combative behavior.

Is that all? Of course not. Here's the worst part - you are like this only half of the time. The other half you are depressed enough to want to kill yourself. It does not take a whole lot of thinking to know why they call this the "fine madness". It's because you really are mad when you are suffering from such a disease; and like regular madness, you really don't know that you are mad. That is what is so sad about the manic-depressive illness. The symptoms displayed can lead to harmful activities.

When you notice any of such signs, don't waste time at all. Talk to your doctor immediately, so that you can get help before you do something drastic to yourself or your loved ones!

To know secrets of Bipolar Disorder Condition and Famous People Bipolar Disorder,

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Stop Hanging Around Manic Depressed Humans

Too often misery loves company and too often people who are depressed seek out others to help them with their Depression and to make them feel better. But have you ever noticed that if you hang around someone who is depressed for too long of a time that they end up depressing you also? Stop hanging around manic depressed humans if you find yourself falling into Depression.

Generally it is good to try to help people who are depressed and have empathy for them but do not let them drag you into their Depression trap. I see way too many people who use the Depression trap in order to get stuff, try to make them selves feel better or find company in misery. If you find yourself being depressed because of your friends around you then stop hanging around manic depressed people.

Even if you are a super star optimist a depressed person will eventually wear you down and make you slightly depressed also. You should not hang around weak people or depressed people who constantly make excuses and complain about everything. This is not good for your, as you might catch the depression virus yourself.

Such a depressed attitude will not help you in your positive outlook on life and there is nothing you can do for a manic depressed human anyway. Chances are they need to start exercising and eating right and stop accusing everyone else for their problems in life. Please consider this in 2006.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/. Lance is an online writer in retirement.

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2012年9月17日 星期一

Manic Depression or Bipolar Disorder - Safe Treatment Through Dream Translation

Manic depression or bipolar disorder is a mental disorder characterized by the abrupt change of mood. On one hand, it generates exaggerated feelings and reactions (euphoria). Bipolar individuals feel so positive they believe they can do even what is beyond human capacity. On the other hand, it generates depression. Depending on the case, this disorder can have the characteristics of a psychosis.

This mysterious mental disorder could be enlightened thanks to the discoveries of the psychiatrist Carl Jung concerning the meaning of dreams, and thanks to my discoveries. I continued Jung's research, completing his arduous mission. Today we know that whenever someone suffers from manic depression or bipolar disorder, they are controlled by their anti-conscience.

The anti-conscience is the wild and primitive side of our conscience, which didn't evolve like our human side. This primitive content generates mental illnesses and mental disorders within our human conscience.

Whenever the absurd content of the anti-conscience invades the human side of our conscience, we have absurd thoughts and feelings, and we show abnormal behavior. However, this content cannot remain in our conscience if we don't follow the absurd thoughts imposed by our evil anti-conscience.

The anti-conscience is our wild personality, which refuses to be tamed by our sensibility and sensitivity. Some people are inclined to follow its absurd thoughts, and this is why they suffer from bipolar disorder, or any other mental disorder or mental illness.

Depending on the degree of domination of the anti-conscience into someone's conscious field, they will suffer from a different mental disorder or mental illness. Manic depression or bipolar disorder is only one mental disorder among an infinite list of mental disorders, which are all generated by the craziness of the anti-conscience.

Now that this mystery was solved, we can cure individuals who suffer from manic depression by eliminating their anti-conscience through consciousness. This is done through dream translation.

Carl Jung discovered the importance of the unconscious mind that produces our dreams. I discovered proof of the unconscious sanctity. My discoveries are gradually putting an end to the atheism that characterizes our civilization. The unconscious mind is a saintly mind that works like a natural doctor. It can be absolutely trusted without fear.

When we master the dream language we understand the wise unconscious guidance in our dreams. The dream images are the unconscious words. All dream images have a symbolic meaning and give us precious information.

I greatly simplified Jung's method of dream interpretation. Today everyone can easily learn how to translate dream images into words that they understand. Thus, everyone can fight against manic depression or bipolar disorder through dream therapy. The unconscious treatment is safe and effective in all cases. Numerous people were cured from all types of mental disorders and mental illnesses through dream translation.

However, individuals who suffer from manic depression need the support of someone else in order to follow dream therapy without giving up. This happens because they are controlled by their anti-conscience most of the time. Their anti-conscience doesn't let them accept passing through a process of consciousness that eliminates its influence.

In case you suffer from manic depression yourself and you don't have anyone's support, you must be insistent. Keep following the unconscious guidance in your dreams. You will surely find peace and sound mental health. The unconscious mind will help you build a uniform and self-confident personality. You'll stop suffering, and become a wise human being.

Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.
Learn more at: http://www.scientificdreaminterpretation.com

Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!).

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Bipolar Disorder Manic Depression - An Introduction Look at the Condition and How it Concerns YOU

There are some people living here in the United States with seasonal affective disorder, which is a form of bipolar disorder. Typically these folks suffer from depression only during autumn and winter, when there are fewer hours of daylight; and when spring and summer come, they are all high with near mania. Well, that's because it is actual mania. With guidance and medication from a professional, they ought to be able to keep the mood swings at bay.

Bipolar disorder involves both mania and depression. The depression part of the syndrome could be the mild type, like in dysthymia, but it mostly is of the severe form, sometimes lasting for a period of years. The manic part sometimes may not last as long, but it is no less destructive. And to think that people can be like this for years without ever realizing it should let you know just how bad the disorder is.

Various mental health professionals refer to clinical depression as regular in occurrence, although it is a mental disorder by its own right. However, harsher manifestations of the syndrome could manifest in other formats such as bipolar disorder. This one uses both depression and mania to achieve its purpose. So, you need to watch out for the symptoms of this condition before you can grade it with clinical depression.

Further facts about bipolar disorder can be accessed from the Internet where many websites, such as this, and medical directories have published articles that keep you informed of the latest information about the condition.

Click-->>> for secrets to Bipolar Disorder Types I II or Mood Bipolar Disorder and Depression!

Clicking any of the immediate clickable links above reveal INSIDER SECRETS about Bipolar Disorder that only a few know about, especially ideas and tips on relieving Bipolar Disorder, treating Bipolar Disorder and effectively managing the condition. You will also learn the best and most effective medications for Bipolar Disorder that have helped lots of other people suffering from the condition.

Go ahead and click any of the 2 links above to learn insider secrets that lots of people need... but most don't know about or don't know where to find the information they need.

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Manic Depression

Manic depression, also known as Bipolar disorder is characterised by extreme fluctuations in mood ranging from periods of intense "highs" or mania to periods of severe depression or "lows", however, in reality it is much more complex than that as there is no clear pattern and some can even experience mixed state bipolar, with a combination of both mania and depression.

There is also no known single cause of Bipolar and no way of predicting who will develop it although it does appear to be a tendency for it to run in families suggesting that genetics play a part. According to the Royal College of Psychiatrists, Bipolar affects around one in one hundred adults, although it is possible that these figures are on the low side as it is believed that many people with Bipolar will not seek help due to denial, misunderstanding and lack of knowledge surrounding the condition. It affects both men and women equally and usually begins in early adulthood but the way it manifests itself is anything but consistent. Episodes can be triggered by stressful events and physical illness or even nothing at all. So how do you know if you have Bipolar disorder?

Symptoms of a manic episode include:

A manic episode can be diagnosed if at least 3 of the symptoms occur along with an elevated mood for most of the time for at least a week. If the overall mood is one of irritability then another 4 symptoms must be present.

o Increased energy, activity, and restlessness

o Excessively "high," overly good, euphoric mood

o Extreme irritability

o Racing thoughts and talking quickly, jumping from one idea to another

o Distractibility, lack off concentration

o Little sleep needed

o Unrealistic beliefs in one's abilities and powers

o Poor judgment

o Spending sprees

o A lasting period of behaviour that is different from usual

o Increased sexual drive

o Abuse of drugs, particularly cocaine, alcohol, and sleeping medications

o Provocative, intrusive, or aggressive behaviour

o Denial that anything is wrong

Symptoms of a depressive episode include:

A depressive episode can be diagnosed if five or more of these symptoms are present for most of the time for a period of at least 2 weeks.

o feeling sad, anxious, or empty mood

o Feelings of hopelessness or pessimism

o Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, or helplessness

o Loss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed, including sex

o Decreased energy, a feeling of fatigue or of being "slowed down"

o Difficulty concentrating, remembering, making decisions

o Restlessness or irritability

o Sleeping too much, or can't sleep

o Change in appetite and/or unintended weight loss or gain

o Chronic pain or other persistent bodily symptoms that are not caused by physical illness or injury

o Thoughts of death or suicide, or suicide attempts

The gaps in between a high and a low episode can vary significantly with each individual. Some people will experience rapid shifts between moods and others will change more slowly over a period of time. Conventional treatment usually consists of some form of mood stabilising medication to reduce the severity and duration of the episodes, for example, Lithium is the most commonly used. Achieving the correct dosage is crucial as high levels of Lithium can be toxic so this will be carefully evaluated and monitored by a GP or health professional. However, it doesn't always prove to be effective and isn't suitable for everyone. The side effects can be difficult to cope with for some people and include, thirst, nausea, weight gain, anxiety, shakes, dry mouth, disturbed sleep, hair loss, and sexual dysfunction.

Types of Bipolar

Bipolar has been classified into types Bipolar 1, Bipolar 2, Rapid Cycling and Cyclothymia.

Bipolar 1

The classic symptoms of Bipolar 1 involve recurrent manic and depressive episodes with either stable periods in between or going directly from a depressive episode into a manic phase or vice versa. Periods of depression vary from individual to individual and can last for only a short time or for months.

Bipolar 11

This type of Bipolar presents with only mild or perhaps even no manic periods at all but more depressive episodes than periods of mania. This type is more common in women.

Rapid Cycling

Bipolar is classified as rapid cycling type if the person experience more than 4 manic or depressive episodes or fluctuations between both within the space of a year.


A less severe form of mood swings but they often persist for longer than those with other types of Bipolar.


Bipolar disorder can be distressing for both the sufferer and the family and friends closest to them. Neither they nor the person with Bipolar can know when an episode of depression or mania is likely to occur or how long it will last. Relationships, occupation and finances can all suffer leading to more stress and worry and a worsening of the symptoms. Apart from seeking professional help and finding out as much as you can about the condition, it is advisable for both the sufferer and their loved ones to learn how to recognise the warning signs and triggers that can precipitate a manic or depressive episode so appropriate action can be taken to minimise any negative effects.

Depression is a serious condition that can strike anyone at anytime. For more information about the symptoms of depression and self help come and visit fighting depression

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Manic Depression Disorder - How it Differs From Actual Bipolar Disorder

Are you wondering what the difference is between bipolar and bipolar depression disorder? If you are, then you are reading the right article. It provides very helpful facts about both of these conditions to help you make the right decision and get help.

You might start disliking yourself without any reason when you suffer from bipolar depression disorder. It is similar to basic bipolar disorder in that regard, as well as with respect to the sleeping problems that start to occur. However, it is critical that you do not confuse one for another because they are not the same.

Your mind becomes the home of all kinds of negative thoughts, which often include suicidal thoughts, when the disease you are suffering from is bipolar depression disorder. It is easy for you at this point to think it is actually bipolar type of disorder manifesting itself, but then the mania never quite comes.

When you have a kind of bipolar-disorder in which you rarely experience the manic phase of the condition, you may not be suffering from bipolar disorder at all. Experienced psychologists and psychiatrists will likely diagnose you instead for bipolar depression disorder, and put you on a different kind of medication.

You may not want to jump to conclusions about the type of illness you suffer from when you find yourself depressed so all the time. It is a common enough condition with all kinds of manifestations and treatments too. But you do want to keep your eye out for the bipolar depression disorder form of it. I hear it can be quite misleading.

Click --> for Mental Disorder Bipolar and here --> Bipolar Disorder Signs for top secrets about this disorder!

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2012年9月16日 星期日

Manic Depression - The Facts Everyone Needs to Know

Manic depression is better known as bipolar depression and is characterized by dramatic mood swings. This is a major affective disorder and one that will need treatment with antidepressants and therapy.

The facts about manic depression are:

• Dramatic mood swings

• Insomnia

• Hallucinations

• Psychosis

• Paranoia

• Rage

• Grandiose delusions

Bipolar disorder is a genetic disorder, which can be mild depression and mood swings or extreme symptoms. This can cause distortion of perception and social function impairment that can run in families.

This is a depression condition that can occur between the ages of 15 and 24 lasting throughout the lifetime of the patient. Older adults over the age of 65 can also be diagnosed with manic depression.

The symptoms of manic depression that other family members can take note of are:

• Sudden weight loss

• Sudden weight gain

• Fatigue

• Difficulty with concentration

• Feelings of guilt

• Worthlessness

• Hopelessness

• Insomnia

• Persistent sadness

• Restlessness

• Irritability

• Thoughts of suicide

There are several types of bipolar disorders the physician can diagnose the patient with depending on the symptoms. These can be:

Cyclothymia: This is mild form of manic depression or bipolar disorder, which includes hypomania. The highs and lows are not as severe or disruptive as other types of bipolar disorders.

This type of bipolar disorder I diagnosis includes difficulties in relationships, in employment and school. There can be manic episodes, which can be severe or personally dangerous.

This type of depression is not as severe as bipolar disorder I. Bipolar II elevated mood or irritability. This type of manic depression the patient is usually able to carry on with their normal routine. The symptoms of depression can last longer than the periods of hypomania.

Bipolar rapid cycling disorder: This is a type of bipolar disorders that has what is considered rapid mood swings. This means the patient has at least four mood swings within a twelve month period. There are patients that have these shifts in mood swings much faster, occurring within hours.

There is scientific research that has determined that people with bipolar disorder appear to have physical changes in the brain chemistry. There is also evidence of differences in neurotransmitters, with an imbalance in these chemicals that plays a role in manic and other types of depression Symptoms. Other data shows this can be an inherited trait, when a parent has been diagnosed with this condition. Hormones can also play a pivotal role in bipolar depression and a stressful environment can be a factor in manic depression.

This is a condition that must be treated with antidepressant medication and combined with therapy to decrease the symptoms, including suicidal thoughts that can be a part of the symptoms and mood swings. Manic depression like other types of depression cannot be seen with x-rays or blood tests, which means keeping records of the symptoms is one of the easiest ways to help being diagnosed.

Written by Kyle Davis, on behalf of depression Doctor - experts in depression Symptoms To find other free depression content see. www.depressionsymptomsfaq.com/

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Dealing With Manic Depression

Life is a roller coaster ride. Sometimes, we are up, and sometimes we are down. This is a similar scenario with people who suffer manic depression. However, the downward and upward spikes that they encounter are much steeper. A week they will be "Oh, so happy". Then, after a week, they will experience a very intense sadness or depression. This article aims to inform people about the nature of this bipolar disorder.

It is also known as manic depressive disorder or bipolar affective disorder. This type of mood disorder is characterized by an abnormal elated mood or mania, and its milder form which is hypomania. People who undergo mania commonly experience episodes and symptoms of depression. There are even situations when both of these extreme moods are present, which is known as mixed episodes.

The episodes of mania and depression are sometimes separated by normal moods. Hence, there are times that the patient is actually in his or her normal state. However, this episode should not fool you, as one of the moods might surface some other day. If the normal moods are not present, mania and depression would alternate, this situation is known as rapid cycling. This mood episode is subdivided into different levels: bipolar I, bipolar II and, cyclothymia. The divisions are based on the severity and intensity of the episodes experienced.

According to a study conducted in United States shows a variation regarding lifetime prevalence: a rate of 1 percent for Bipolar I, and.5% to 1% for Bipolar II or cyclomythia. The full symptoms of bipolar mostly surface during young or late adulthood. Bases of the diagnosis are: patient's self-reported experiences, and observed behaviour. Distress, disruption and attempted suicides, are just few of the episodes that are associated with this abnormality. There are patients who have devastatingly long-lasting bipolar disorder. On the other hand, there are episodes that are associated with achievements, striving goals, and creativity.

The root of this case is usually detected on the genetic arena. This is the factor that greatly contributes to a person's risk of developing bipolar disorder. Of course, there are also studies that claim the implications of environmental factors. Usual treatments are medications or other psychiatric drugs. There are also therapies available as treatments, such as psychotherapy, which provides a recovery of stability for the patients. If the case is severe, wherein the patient harms oneself or other people, involuntary commitment is recommended.

Cases that call for an institution or asylum are those that involve sever manic episodes, hand in hand with dangerous behaviours, and suicidal attempts. Another issue that these patients encounter would be the stereotypes, prejudice, and social stigma that are associated with their disorder. In addition, their case can be misdiagnosed as another serious mental illness like schizophrenia.

The relationship that exists between mania and melancholia has long been a topic amongst the people of medical field. The first formal study, that started it all, was from a team of French psychiatrists back in 1850s. It was a German psychiatrist named Emil Kraeplin who coined the term manic-depressive illness or psychosis. The name that was given is used to characterize any kind of mood disorder back then. It was in year 1957, when the episodes are classified properly by Karl Leonhard, a German psychiatrist. The terms that he gave birth to are unipolar disorder - major depressive disorder, and bipolar disorder.

Too much of something can be dangerous. This saying applies to your emotions and feelings too. Just like these cases of mania and melancholy, or manic depression. A little of those two in our lives are just normal. However, if they are too intense, that it halts our regular activities to push through, then an expert's advice must be taken.

Simon Crabb [http://simoncrabb.com] has successfully battled with panic attacks. He is now in control of his condition, rather than it controlling him. Visit his Simon's Panic web site to learn more about Panic Attacks [http://www.simonspanic.com] and Simon's experiences of them.

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Bipolar Poetry From the Mind of a Manic-Depressive Person

In my never ending search for sanity I've begun writing down thoughts in poetic form. I've included some of my personal works below, see if you can find the differences from the other compositions you have read.

Watched the colored clouds preening
Intersection of those pupils
Caresses the cornea to post visions
I long to tell you a trillion things
They're said through our connected eye strings
My soul no longer tumbles
There's a focal point to dance around
No longer the two are forced to tumble
I saw you that day

The desolate find an early release
Reconciliation from the world of the living
To have the pain cut short
Without feeling the pleasure, awaiting
A certainty that already is
Brought from the recesses of mind
A cold, dark warmth

God is an idea
Comes mistake form, missing meaning
Euphoria of love, drugs, sex, art
The oneness of us all
Part even for the small
We are sacred, luminous beings
Caged and freed in animal bodies

The day that was night
Any day in any way
A familiar touch
I thought let me down to stray
Cracked through the eggshell
Depression order of a general clay
Melts away our meat-walls
Seeing us, at once

Conceiving so much
Constructing so little
Minute maps
That aren't drawn in time
Never to be explored

Jump into the black pit
You'll never come out the same
Then behold the Light of her Name
Sheeted waves of warm, red stature
Passing through an infinite spiral tube
Orgasms and death soothe the creature
The moment caught
We mingled that day, seeing

Great towers of steel forcefully gestated
Lure onlookers abroad
Tall owed by a wanting of intensity
Masses peer into the visions of pixels
Varying degrees of ballistics envelope the rider
An awkward palate of physics
In this manner, senses are becoming
Manifest embroideries
Birth of this splendor
Behold a venture of death
Imprints itself on the subconscious
Precursor to rippling flesh

A sacred, assuring thought
I take dreams off a boundless board
Images of color give to me
An explosive reward

Shall I expose myself?
Let others see my living innards
Sliced from toe to gullet
A horrific, bloody engine
Supplements and traps within
Disgusting other with bluntness
Heart giving, taking life fluid
A shrunken liver
Ridiculed for excessive energy
Dissipated unto others
Stomach eager to digest
Send awareness to my mind
Fluctuate fills to indulge
Seeds sown in an unsure breath
Keep the machine running

Scripted pain splashed on ground wood
Put on a mental meal plate
So many stuffing contents down
Indifferent, lifeless numbers and letters
I cannot ingest this factual dogma
My sustenance bile's forth, ingesting ways
And this is meant to help me
Cleanse me of wrong doings

People will never know
Never the experience of others
Dramatic, random worlds
Born into, but pliable
Connection is fathomed
Portrayed as a smile
Or a grimace

Pulled Decision found to be
Neutral, swaying
Seconds spontaneously
Tossing thoughts, actions
Every choice runs
Through space, time passions

Conjured deception
Shadows from the dark
Conceived in hate
Mistaken for power
Phantoms of energy
Caress the wounds of old
They stretch out to kill the mockingbird
Cut the wings to bloodied hate
See strings ripped asunder
Drops of violence

Death by numbers
Millions, billions
One to part from the world
Far flung dreams are captured
Day to day, every second
Long to splash in the pool
Is a ripple the only consequence?
Faces, souls, actions, cast
Into an anecdotal pool of remembrance
Pain, death, joy, orgasm
Meld into every facet
Fear is forgotten

Toss aside casual greeting
Delve into an episode without footing
Your arm is longer then eyes can see
No slowing down to see the skins sheeting
Puncture wounds, torn apart
Upsetting the gaze, no sparks to deem
We burn a light our own
The length those eyes can see

Let go
We can fly
Don't die
In remorseful tears
Toss energy to and fro
Expending while expanding
Let go

Which is the greater tragedy?
To be born with gift and suffer
The consequences of madness
Or to be born gift less
Never to know the madness

A feeling appeared
I know it's there
Felt it, knew it
Circles of consciousness
Symmetric bonds of gravity
Glimpses of hope

Cut into your heart
Deeper than thought
Left alone to see this place
Nothing here but empty disgrace
Cuts up your heart
Cuts up your heart
Cuts of your heart?
Moments of blood is what he is fed
Moments of red is what she'll dread

Lists of lives draw together
Plotted on empty boards
Pain brings out life
A sharp spike of emotion
Contrast to the light wings

The flesh does what pleases
Leaves absent matter reeling
Spilled between the partitions
Life's one continual experience
States of inebriation, clarity
Longed for that which
Is already there
Cast into spectrum's

To find god in music
The bass, angels
The treble, prayers
Lyrical prose
The divine saviors

End it all of a sudden
Or leave random events
Lost in time
Unnoticed, forgotten
The difference, negligible
One ant among billion
Of an ancient god
Defiant among many

Curiosity is painful
Let go of this bar
Cold lies, sheathed in dogma
Greased in the fear of disrespect
Struggled to grapple on
You'll slip down, down
Swallowed a curse I love

I want to tell you everything
These minute thoughts
Last lifetimes in my mind
More precious then diamonds
Lost in the dusts of coal
These glimpses of my form
Could open a mountain of gods between us

This pain
Wanting to live
Each second, each lifetime
Perfectly, I want a new story
Where the villain lives
True justice
Of an uncertain world

Direction, sustain:an illusion
Lives are but a series of movements
Unplanned for thoughts,feelings
Embrace the prehistoric call
Rejecting society
Previously designed coordinated tenures

That's just some of the things that randomly pop into my head everyday. When people read them, often I see them wincing or looking extremely confused. Sometimes when I look into the eyes of a bipolar person, I see the reflection of my own madness.

Alexander Dott is a bipolar man searching for ways to maintain sanity while surrounded by sane people. He finds and researches the habits of other manic-depressives through via an interesting and humorous method he muses about at: http://gaming-on-computers.blogspot.com/

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2012年9月15日 星期六

Manic Depression Revealed

Bipolar Disorder also known as manic depression is a disorder that falls into the family of depression or mood disorders. Mood disorders effect how a person feels and is totally different to a disorder such as schizophrenia that make it hard for a person to distinguish whats real from what isn't.

Mental disorders or illnesses are not the type of problems that a person can easily overcome, they are not something that they asked for. They can't be overcome by willpower because they are problems that effect the brain. With proper treatment a person suffering with a mental illness such as manic depression can learn to control their symptoms and regain their quality of life.

Manic depression is an illness or disorder that affects a persons mood, one moment they can have a greatly elevated mood ('Manic') followed by a period of feeling low ('Depression'). Its perfectly normal for someone to have high and low moods but someone suffering from manic depression experiences greatly exaggerated highs and lows. Because manic depression is a chronic condition these episodes may come and go but they never truly go away untreated.

Someone in a manic phase of their depression may have a very high self-esteem, they may take risks that they would not normally take such as abusing drugs and alcohol or driving in a reckless manner. They may spend money in a way they wouldn't usually and its not uncommon for them to have a higher than usual sex drive.

Manic depression may also make someone suffer from sleep deprivation making them seem angry or irritable, this is due to them having an increased energy level making them feel high.

A person in the depressive stage of their illness is vastly different from the manic stage in that they suffer from feelings of hopelessness, guilt or even wanting to die. A change in appetite, a decrease in energy and an increase in the ability to make decisions can occur. Stomach aches and headaches is also a common part of the depressive state of Manic Depression.

In the United States more that 15% of all illnesses are mental illnesses. This equates to more that all forms of cancer or problems associated with drug and alcohol addiction. If you know of someone that has been diagnosed with manic depression then they are in good company. It is estimated that around two to 4 percent of the worlds population of 222 million suffer from some form of manic depression.

Treatment of manic depression.

Its not common knowledge but there is no cure for manic depression, but the symptoms can be treated and controlled by the use of medication. Acute symptoms caused by severe episodes of mania or depression are treated with some specific medication whilst other medication is used to prevent future episodes from occurring. These types of medications are referred to as 'maintanance threrapy'.

In addition to medication, people with manic depression can benefit from psychotherapy as part of their treatment process. The therapy process is good because it can make someone come to terms with their illness and see exactly what it means for them. Because of this, someone can better understand how their illness or disorder effects their relationships with their family and friends.

If the person undergoing treatment is having a depressive episode the therapy may help them to adopt some thought processes that are positive instead of the negative ones that they have that make them depressed. They may be able to recognise when a manic or depressive episode is starting and seek out the appropriate help quickly. If other family members attend the therapy too they will better understand the disorder and may too be able to help in the future.

Manic depression is a chronic but treatable mental illness. Getting proper treatment is key to having a good quality of life.

This article was composed by Chris Glasspool of [http://www.depression-revealed.com] the number one resource for depression related information. Please feel free to distribute this article. The only condition is that this paragraph remains intact.

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